Continuous visits of heads of state of Turkic-speaking countries to Azerbaijan are the result of Mr. President Ilham Aliyev's foreign policy


Continuous visits of heads of state of Turkic-speaking countries to Azerbaijan are the result of Mr. President Ilham Aliyev's foreign policy

After the Karabakh Victory of Azerbaijan, the relations between the Organization of Turkic States and the member states of the organization are developing on a rising line. President Ilham Aliyev constantly draws attention to the fact that Azerbaijan has always contributed to the close integration of the Turkic world and will remain committed to the actions of unity in the future. Since the Nakhchivan Summit in 2009, the organization has made great progress. The Turkic world covers a vast geography with more than 200 million people and has great economic potential, energy resources, transportation routes and modern military capabilities. At the same time, our head of state states that the Turkish world is a big family. Considering each other's national interests, we must continue to show mutual support and solidarity. In addition to the political, economic, commercial, cultural, transport, energy, digital transformation, agriculture, tourism fields, we should also activate our cooperation in such fields as security, defense, defense industry.
The mutual visits of the heads of state of Turkic-speaking countries have become permanent. The official visit of the Kyrgyz President Sadyr Japarov to our country on April 24 clarified many points.
Historically, traditional relations of friendship and brotherhood existed between the Azerbaijani and Kyrgyz peoples. The relations between the two countries, built on solid foundations, are developing in an upward direction.
President Ilham Aliyev said in a statement to the press regarding the official visit of the President of the Kyrgyz Republic Sadyr Japarov to Azerbaijan that the agenda of our mutual activities is quite broad. The second meeting of the Interstate Council was successful. The signed documents will clearly manifest themselves on the practical level of strengthening our mutual activity, increasing trade turnover and cooperation in all directions. A good tradition of mutual visits has been formed every year. Each meeting is important and valuable in terms of strengthening our interaction and communication, as well as solving important issues of bilateral and multilateral cooperation. The ceremony of signing Azerbaijan-Kyrgyz documents was held with the participation of President Ilham Aliyev and the President of the Kyrgyz Republic Sadyr Japarov. A total of 18 documents were signed during the visit. The visit of the Kyrgyz President to Azerbaijan will contribute to the strengthening of friendship and brotherly relations between the two countries.
The signed documents will determine the future development of bilateral relations. Each of them is of great importance.
We should especially mention the Decision of the second meeting of the Interstate Council and the Joint Declaration signed by the President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev and the President of the Kyrgyz Republic Sadyr Japarov. The President of Kyrgyzstan, Sadyr Japarov, specially mentioned the Joint Declaration and pointed out that this important document officially establishes the deeper nature of the strategic relations between Azerbaijan and Kyrgyzstan, which are defined in practice. The signed documents create a solid legal framework for bilateral relations between the two countries.
Both countries actively cooperate in the economic and commercial sphere. Trade turnover increases many times. Our head of state said that there is also a tendency to increase the potential. The charter fund of the Azerbaijan-Kyrgyz Development Fund has increased 4 times - from $25 million to $100 million. 100 million dollars is not the limit. Actions are being taken by the relevant government structures to implement the mechanism of projects implementation within the framework of the joint investment fund.
Other forms of investment policy will be applied. The construction of a five-star hotel financed by Azerbaijan has already started on the shore of Issyk-Kul lake. At the initiative of the President of Kyrgyzstan, Kyrgyzstan will implement the construction of a secondary school in Aghdam district at its own expense.
Another example of the close relations between our countries is the working group on Azerbaijan-Kyrgyz inter-parliamentary relations in the Milli Majlis, and the friendship group on Kyrgyzstan-Azerbaijan cooperation in the Kyrgyz Jogorku Kenesh (Parliament).
On April 25, the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev and the President of the Kyrgyz Republic Sadyr Japarov visited the destroyed places of the city of Fuzuli and got acquainted with the city's master plan. In the master plan, it is planned to increase the administrative territory of Fuzuli city to 1943 hectares and its population to 50 thousand people by 2040. Fuzuli, which will be built according to modern standards and architectural features, will be one of the largest cities in the liberated territories.
It was emphasized that the opening of the 960-student school named after Mirza Ulugbey, a gift of Uzbekistan, in the city of Fuzuli in August last year, and the Children's Creativity Center named after Kurmangazy in March of this year, as well as the foundation of the high school to be built by Kyrgyzstan in Aghdam district on the initiative of President Sadir Japarov, are the friendship of our countries and peoples. , are shining examples of the steadfastness of brotherhood.
President Ilham Aliyev and President of the Kyrgyz Republic Sadyr Japarov also visited Aghdam. The heads of state were informed about the master plan of the city. It was reported that there are no traces left of the prosperous city built by hardworking people. According to their characteristics, the Armenian invaders turned the white roofs of Aghdam into ruins and razed the city to the ground. That is why Aghdam is called "Chiroshima of the Caucasus". It was reported that the city of Aghdam, which was not left unturned by the armed forces of Armenia, is being rebuilt by the state of Azerbaijan. A new city is being built based on modern urban planning solutions. The tourism potential of the city is also taken into account in the concept of Agdam's restoration, and corresponding infrastructure is created. For this purpose, the "Agdam City Hotel" and "Hilton Garden Inn" projects are being implemented. A complex of Museums of Occupation and Victory is also being created in the city.
The complex will start from the Museum of Occupation and end with the Museum of Victory. A memorial garden will be located between them. The debris in the area will be kept as it is. As a witness to the history of Armenian vandalism and occupation, the museum will convey the 30-year bitter fate of Aghdam to future generations, and will not allow historical truths to be forgotten. It was also mentioned that a general education school with 960 seats will be built in the central part of the city. Mugam Center will consist of one-story and two-story blocks.
President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev and President of Kyrgyzstan Sadir Japarov laid the foundation of Khidirli village secondary school. It should be noted that there have historically been traditional friendship and brotherly relations between the Azerbaijani and Kyrgyz peoples. The relations between the two countries, built on solid foundations, are developing in an upward direction. On the initiative of the President of Kyrgyzstan, the construction of a complete secondary school building in the village of Khidirli, Aghdam, on behalf of the Kyrgyz state, is an indication of the unshakable brotherly relations between the two countries.

Bayram Khudayarov
Employee of the Physics Institute of the Ministry of Science and Education,
Founder and leader of the Facebook group “Heydər Əliyev məktəbinin davamçıları”,
Active member of the YAP


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